Thank you for taking the time to look at my site… Well how do we start.
I am Lee from West London and I am primarily a photographer of Wildlife…. Not what you were expecting me to say…huh. Well, Why a street photography site?…. Quite simply put, it’s because I am socially petrified, I am at home in the wild…the forests and the parks away from the hustle and bustle…. and this needed to change, I live within stepping distance of one of the most culturally diverse, highly populated cities in the world and this is my challenge to myself.
In 2018 I studied for, and achieved, a Triple Distiction with an overall Distinction* mark on a BTEC Level 3 photography course.
Following this I was spurred on to try to overcome the anxiety I have around photographing people and environments (one of the core modules of the course). In March of 2019 I was awarded an internationally recognised Distinction of ‘Licentiate of the ‘Royal Photographic Society’ (LRPS) and this only pushed me forward more. For me, being “this” side of a camera is like a shield and Street photography is tantamount to being invisible.. as my very aim is to capture unstaged and unposed moments in time. These fleeting moments happening every day which many people never see or just don’t observe. Life is moving too fast and my intention is to slow it down just a little.
Please join me on this journey.